K-2nd Grade Classes

1st Hour2nd Hour3rd Hour4th Hour5th Hour
KindergartenKindergartenKindergartenFun with CookingSnack Attack
SpanishMunchie MathNature Crafts SpringWet & Wacky ExperimentsT-Ball/Kickball
JazzKids-er-cizeGod & DinosaursArts & CraftsFun with Peter Rabbit
Board GamesCreative Lego Play
(1st - 5th)
Great Explorers
(1st - 5th)
Intro to ReadingBugs! Bugs! Bugs!

3rd-5th Grade Classes

1st Hour2nd Hour3rd Hour4th Hour5th Hour
Flying CreaturesVet ScienceGooey Slippery Slimy ExperimentsBook Club - Green EmberMath Games
Oregon Trail SimulationPoetry Can be FunGreat Explorers
Mini Weapons of Mass DestructionChess
Sculpey Springtime PondCreative Lego Play
OrigamiDuct Tape CreationsDraw Squad 2.0
Breakfast ClubTheaterMultiplication MadnessMagic Tricks for ChristiansTae Kwon Do
DodgeballNerf WarsPickleball

6th-8th Grade Classes

1st Hour2nd Hour3rd Hour4th Hour5th Hour
Pre Algebra
8:30 am start / 2 Semester Class
Critical ThinkingPre Algebra
2 Semester Class
IEW 3 & 4
2 Semester Class
Secrets of Mental Math
Algebra 1
2 Semester Class
Intro to SpanishTyping
& Keyboarding
Fun & Unusual WeaponsTheater Production
Sketching & DrawingVocal Ensemble
Inventors & ScientistsMiddle School ChessBeginning Guitar
(6th - 12th)
Knitting & CrochetingBible in a Box
What's For Dinner?
Duct Tape Creations
Study HallPickleball
Ultimate Frisbee
Vocal Ensemble
Study HallStudy HallStudy HallStudy Hall

9th-12th Grade Classes

1st Hour2nd Hour3rd Hour4th Hour5th Hour
8:15am Start
2 Semester Class
2 Semester Class
2 Semester Class
Spanish 2Vocal Ensemble
Algebra 2
8am Start
2 Semester Class
2 Semester Class
2 Semester Class
Ultimate Frisbee
Advanced Math
8 am start
2 semester class
PhysicsPhysicsAdvanced TheaterLit: Comedies
PinterestJewelry MakingGreek MythologyLife Skills Home & Auto
Study HallJust DessertsPickleball
Study HallStudy Hall
Study HallStudy HallYearbook
Duct Tape Creations
Vocal Ensemble
Physical Science
2 Semester Class
Algebra 1
8:30 am Start
2 Semester Class
Bible in a Box