Admission Policy – This document gives an in depth explanation of our policy for admissions.

Application Cover Letter – This document contains general information applicants should understand about N-TECH and the application process.

Application – This required one page document is part of the application package.

Arbitration Agreement – This required one page document is part of the application package.

Doctrinal Statement – This required one page document is part of the application package.

Background Check Form* – This required three page document is part of the application package.

*Please note: The fee listed on this form is for a basic, in-county, in-state, in-country background check. Any background checks from out-of-county, out-of-state, or out-of country will likely require additional fees. Each family is responsible for any and all additional background check fees.

Renewal Application – All current N-TECH families planning to return next semester should use this form for membership renewal.

Cleaning Guidelines – If you ever wondered what your responsibilities at N-TECH might be as it relates to cleaning, this document will give you the “skinny.” All members of the cleaning team must read this document.

Consent and Release – Form used for field trips.

Dual Credit Application – Use this form to apply for dual credit classes with N-TECH.

Dual Credit Information – This form includes information on the dual credit class currently offered.

Evaluation (for teachers) – Form used by parents and students at the end of each semester. Once complete, return this form to the age group coordinator for filing.

Evaluation (for students) – Given to students by teachers at the end of each semesters.

Expense Reimbursement Form – Check Request form for expense reimbursement.

How to be an Assistant – A document to help assistants know their responsibilities when assisting a lead teacher during an N-TECH class.

Off-Campus Permission Form

Rules and GuidelinesEvery inquiring family must read this document.

Scholarship Request – A document to be used only by current members of N-TECH.

Teacher’s Aid – Helpful aids and ideas for teachers.

Many of the items listed above are Adobe Acrobat documents so Acrobat Reader is necessary for viewing and/or accessing.  Acrobat Reader may be downloaded for free from

Printing: Some will be able to print directly from the browser while others will need to save the document to your computer and then print the saved document. If the document format is incompatible with your office automation software, please contact [email protected].